Halloween Do’s and Don’ts

     As Halloween rapidly approaches, most Weedsport High School students will follow the annual tradition of either “trick or treating,” or passing out candy. These are some guidelines to those passing it out, so you don’t spend the following day cleaning dried eggs, and toilet paper off of your house.



– Pass out an even amount of candy to each person.

– Compliment well put together costumes (especially on younger kids).

– Keep a light on if you intend to pass out candy

– Keep the treats limited to candy, or even a bag of chips, don’t be that person who passes out apples or homemade treats, as most of them will be thrown out anyway.

– Be in the spirit, it’s Halloween, act like it.


    As important the Do’s of Halloween are, it’s the don’ts that will cause the dissent of Halloween trick-or-treaters and you the target of their pranking. These are Halloween’s all important list of Don’ts when passing out candy.



– Just leave a bowl of candy at your door unattended, the first few kids who take it all will be happy, but the rest won’t.

– Overly scare young kids until they cry. It is unethical and most parents will resent you for it.

– Not pass out candy when it is obvious you are home, either go out or leave all lights off. Nothing is worse than kids leaving a house empty-handed.

– Clear out the snack cupboard, if passing out stuff, make it candy, nobody wants Pop-tarts, and a warm Mountain Dew.

– Let kids grab from the bowl itself, it’s not only slow as the kids pick through for their favorites, it’s unhealthy too.


    By following these guidelines, your Halloween should be fun, safe and free from egging, and having your house TPed by trick-or-treaters who hold a grudge.