It’s Okay to be an Introvert

Its Okay to be an Introvert

Angela Hackett, Staff Writer

The definition of an introvert according to the dictionary is: “a person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts.”

Introverts tend to be ashamed of being an introvert, but in reality there is nothing wrong with it.

Many people mistake introversion for shyness, although that is not the case, and it is a constant error made on their part. Introverts choose not to be social. It is not that they have a hard time talking to people, they just choose not to talk. Just like night and day are opposites, introverts also have an opposite called extroverts. Extroverts tend to be energized and are open. Like extroverts, introverts can be social when they want to to.

Many people believe introversion is caused by depression, and although that can be the case there are other ways.  Being an introvert is nothing to be ashamed of, and just about 25 percent of the population are introverts.

Writers note: In no way am I implying introverts are depressed or always anti social, I am just going with the facts from the website and my outside knowledge.