Cosmetology at BOCES

Deb Brown, Staff Writer

When you take cosmetology as a BOCES program, you are required to take it for two years and 20 days during the summer to meet the hours you need. They teach you how to do hair, take care your skin, and how to do your nails.

Erin Zeller is a Weedsport student who takes cosmetology.A typical day according to Erin includes a special smock and pants, (the required dress code) Then she looks at the board to see what the teacher has planned for the class that day; sometimes book work or a current event.

A second question that I asked Erin was could this be a career for you in the future? Erin told that yes this can be a career for her in the future because she can get a star boards, and get her licence to become a cosmetologist. If she wants to further her knowledge in a certain area of cosmetology she would have to go to school for that particular part.

Next I asked Erin Why she chose this program? She said that it’s the only thing she enjoys. She plans on being a stylist when she’s older.

The final question that I asked Erin was, is there anything that you can think of that students should know about the program? She told me that cosmetology might have book work but you learn a lot of cool things, and it’s super fun.