A Review of Dark Souls

A Review of Dark Souls

Chris Stricklin, Staff Writer

Dark Souls is a JRPG (Japanese Role Playing Game) made by Bandai-Namco. This game got its reputation due to its difficulty in gameplay, and complex lore. This game is only suggested to hardcore gamers considering its difficulty and learning curve.


Story: You start off as an undead soldier in a prison cell when a mysterious man drops a dead body with the key to your cage. You make your way down the corridor when you get to a courtyard with a big door to a cathedral. You walk into the cathedral to continue your story driven,  and death filled time in Lordrand.  


Gameplay: With such a difficult game it is hard to describe its unique game-play without referring to the other games in the series. With an expansive world and no map, you have to make your own journey through the trap filled, difficult, and will make you cry and break your controller land that is Lordrand. And when I say breaking controllers, I am not kidding. I have broken several in my process of this game. The difficulty is the appeal in this game. Bringing you back to the original days of gaming where everything was difficult, but memorable and gives you such a satisfaction boost when you defeat that boss after your 25th try. (Dark Souls 1 Gameplay Video).


Music and graphics: Well sadly the game does not have any music which kills the mood a bit but at the same time boosts the suspense and paranoia of the game-play. And just like the last game, this is older so the graphics are not the best in the world but hey, game-play over graphics right?


DLC: Sadly, there is only one DLC for the original Dark Souls. It’s called Artorias of the Abyss. Since I have not played this DLC here is some game-play for you (DLC Gameplay Video).  I cannot give it my opinion. It is around $10.00 for the original price but this can change due to sales and format of play.
Verdict: Overall I give this game a 7.5 out of 10. This is mostly due to its complicated story and game-play that only really is for those who enjoy difficulty and most people don’t appreciate and/or enjoy it. However, if you do appreciate it and enjoy it, this is a wonderful and vast game to explore. Now I wish you luck on your journey through gaming, and I will see you next time.