A Review of the Game “Vainglory”

A Review of the Game Vainglory

Eric Lin, Staff Writer

Interested in Multiplayer Online battle Arena (MOBA)? Vainglory is the perfect app game for you to download on your smartphone or tablets. This game is similar to League of Legends but the map is much simpler and has less characters to play with. With the new release of 2.0 update on Wednesday, December 14, new changes was introduced to the game and game-play itself. A winter theme map was implemented with the update including a new hero called Idris. New skins were also added and new items were also implemented with the update.

Idris shifts through battle, piercing his targets with his spear and “chakrams”. While building weapon items, he excels at assassinating vulnerable targets at close range. While building crystal items, it allow him to dance around the fight, keeping his distance. Whether building weapons, crystals, or hybrids, Idris can bring terrifying damages and the agility to any fight.

The concept of the game is similar to League of Legends, but instead of destroying Nexus, you have to destroy the Vain Crystal. You play with players similar to your skill level, and you have the decision of whether going competitive or going casual. Also, you could play with your friends and family.

There’s also guild system where you join a guild, and the people in the guild can try to level it up until the season is over. You gain massive rewards depending on the level of your guild. Guild levels refresh every season.

There are total of 30 heroes to play as, and everyone has their unique game-play. More heroes will be added in the future update. Overall, I rate this game 10/10.