The Blacklist: Lipet’s Seafood Company (No. 111) Review
Photo from the episode “Lipet’s Seafood Company”
January 31, 2017
The Blacklist is back and kicked off season four’s second half with a new episode, titled “Lipet’s Seafood Company”
This is the first episode of the second half of this season and the ninth for the season overall and it’s been long awaited since the resolution of the Alexander Kirk versus Raymond “Red” Reddington.
So what exactly happened in season four, episode nine “Lipet’s Seafood Company”?
Kirk’s case has been dropped
Alexander Kirk disappeared after the events of the mid season finale. Despite this, FBI director Harold Cooper (Harry Lennix) bears a grudge and was really mad when Red said that Kirk has left and he isn’t coming back. Cooper then takes on Red’s next Blacklister. The aforementioned Lipet’s Seafood Company. A terrorist was part of a group of people found killed inside the company.
Cooper fires shots at Red
Cooper states that Liz losing her agent status and her badge was a “stain on her name and reputation, which he is ultimately responsible for.” Fans know that Keen lost her agent status for killing Tom Connelly in the season two finale and her being on the run in season three. Red chooses to ignore the comment and leaves saying “good talk Harold.”
Mr. Kaplan is still MIA
Last we saw of Mr. Kate Kaplan, she was being driven away in a truck and had left the cabin she was in. Kaplan has not been seen since and the show has done nothing to reveal her true status since the first half of the season. She, like Kirk, has disappeared without an explanation, or much of one, from the story.
Seafood Company investigation and Aram investigation
The look into it reveals that the seafood company may have been trying to build a weapon of mass destruction, something capable of killing a lot of people.
Aram Mojtabai (Amir Arison) is being questioned about his girlfriend and his connections to her. His girlfriend was revealed to be a spy and he is taking it hard.
Upon arrival at the seafood company itself, agents Donald Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) and Samar Navabi (Mozhan Marno) learn that the security cameras were turned off and that a lot of evidence has been destroyed as it was wiped.
Aram has now analyzed a chip that Navabi and Ressler got. He says it’s very advanced, he also says it was made by the US, “more specifically the defense contractor Black Thorne Kincaid made it.”
Cooper pulls Keen aside after finishing the meeting with the team and says he will try and get her reinstated. She asks if that’s even possible. Cooper seems very confident on doing so.
Navabi and Ressler learn that James Maddox might be the leak in the Black Thorne Kincaid organization and they get his file from the higher ups. They also acquire a manifest of some other workers of interest in the organization.
Aram, with Cooper present, is pressed for his ties to his girlfriend and her access to the classified data. Aram reveals he has a horrible taste in women, saying three names and saying why they were bad picks before he is shut down by the woman in charge.
Meanwhile, the man Navabi and Ressler questioned at the Seafood Company meets with Farook, the true bad guy. Farook kills the man before stating that he is not here to warn the man. He is there to replace him.
The President Elect
Reddington blackmail the president elect, stating that he or she has taken campaign contributions from Alexander Kirk. Sounds like Reddington wants a favor…
Betrayal and Navabi’s actions
Black Thorne Kincaid is actually part of the attack on the Seafood Company! We also see Navabi, who is revealed to be working with Mossad. Aram has been removed as a person of interest from his ex girlfriend’s case. He later asks Samar on a date and she accepts. Meanwhile, the NMB take Samar. Red makes the revelation that Samar was lying to cover up for Mossad and the fact that they were responsible for the attack on the company.
Farook kills another man tied into the whole conspiracy and plans to trade Samar for the Iron Dome, a missile defense system. The Mossad agents, in specific Levy, who seems to like Samar, want to trade for Samar. The trade is made in the park and Farook gets away with the device.
In conclusion, Ressler throws Farook under a moving car after a fight. Farook is definitely dead. Reddington also confronts the president elect, Robert. Reddington has his favor done and Liz is reinstated as an agent and pardoned by the president for murdering Tom Connelly. Cooper talks with Samar about where her trust is and where it should be. Samar takes a rain check on the date with Aram before Aram basically states that he has gone on the record to say that he has horrible taste in women and that what happened with Elise was soul-crushing. He says that he can’t be with anyone who is living a double life, or a spy rather. Samar leaves and meets up with Levy before finally telling him that she is love with someone else.
What’s next?
The Blacklist continues its season with “The Forecaster.”