A Fashionably Late Review of Stranger Things: Season 2
December 19, 2017
What a wild ride of a season. Stranger Things 2 became available to stream on Netflix on October 27, and I’ve already heard many people discussing their favorite moments.
This season takes place 1 year after the first season and focused mainly on Will Byers and his return to a normal life after his traumatic experience in the Upside-Down. Even though it’s been a years time, we still see that Will, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin still haven’t really gotten over what happened with Eleven.
In my opinion, I thought that season 1 was slightly better than season 2. I thought the stakes seemed much higher and the drama was a lot more personal. Even though I liked season 1 more, the acting in season 2 was mind-blowing. With new-comers including Dacre Montgomery as Billy, the severely strict older brother of Max, played by other new comer Sadie Sink. Also there were great performances by Sean Astin, Paul Reiser, and now main cast member, showing my favorite performance of season 2, Noah Scnapp. I loved most aspects of season 2, except for 1 little thing.
Caution: Spoilers beyond this point!
Most of you who have already watched the 9 episodes, you might have realized how episode 7, also called “The Lost Sister,” was kind of slow and less paced than the previous episodes. I truly didn’t think this story needed it’s own episode. The episode focused on Eleven traveling to Chicago to find her long lost sister “8,” also known as Collie. The episode felt like it’s only purpose was to spawn a spin-off series. I get that Eleven needed the advice on controlling her powers, but she could have learned that without an entire episode being dedicated to it.
Other than that I thought episodes 8 and 9 were best in the series yet. I was on the edge of my bed almost shaking with suspense in episode 8, and the season finale brought me the most satisfaction the series has ever offered.
Episode 8: “The Mind Flayer” focused on our group of Joyce, Hopper, Bob, Mike, Will, and Dr. Owens trapped in the hospital surrounded by the menacing Demmadogs. We learn earlier in the season that Dart, Dustin’s new pet that he found in a trash can, was a baby Demmagorgon, aka the monster Eleven killed in season 1. There are now about 50 roaming the hospital and Bob and Hopper volunteer to turn the power back on so they know how to get out. When they succeed, Dr. Owens stays behind with the digital layout of the hospital on the computer. While Hopper leaves early to escape, Bob looks as if he’ll succeed in escaping too, were we all wrong. Just as he’s about to leave the hospital, the Demmadogs tear him apart, forcing Joyce to leave her new boyfriend to the Demmadogs to save her own life.
When Bob was in that broom closet, I could honestly feel my heart beating and my skin crawling. Definitely the most suspenseful and intense scene in the entire series.
Episode 9: “The Gate,” brought everything to its climax, and this episode contained my single favorite scene of the entire show. I’m talking about the scene where the Byers family and Mike tie will up in a shed to try and get the shadow monster out him by reminding him of his life. Honestly, I thought this had more emotional impact than Bob dying. Just seeing everyone tell stories about how good his life is and how he has to fight the monster inside him was perfect. Never have I seen better acting in a Netflix original, especially by the stunning Winona Ryder as Will’s mom, Joyce. Now for Billy, he was amazing in this episode, the way he flirted with Mike’s mom while trying to look for his little sister, Dacre Montgomery was brilliant. Also, mother Steve was fantastic and he’s now one of my favorite characters in the show. Now for my other favorite scene, of course, the Snow Ball school dance at the end. Watching Mike and Eleven be together again, Nancy dancing with Dustin, Max and Lucas getting together, and Joyce and Hopper starting to connect, I thought the season finale was incredible. I truly don’t think it could have ended better.
The other things I loved about season 2 was the soundtrack. The soundtrack in season 2 was absolutely perfect for the tone it was going for. My favorite scene with the perfect soundtrack was the snow ball scene with Every Breath You Take by The Police being played by the DJ. I thought this was perfect because the sound of it sound like a love ballad but the lyrics are very dark and foreboding. It matched perfect because the snow ball scene was cute and loving but then shows the shadow monster still stalking everyone in the upside down, it worked perfectly.
If you agree or disagree with me I’d love to know about it! What’s your opinion on Stranger Things 2?