Big Brother 20 Week 11 Double Eviction

September 13, 2018
As Big Brother 20 heads towards the final stretch and Week 11 starts to wrap up, it means the game is officially over for current nominees Haleigh Broucher and Sam Bledsoe. Whoever is evicted will become the fifth member of the jury that will decide the winner of the season on finale night. But with a Double Eviction tonight, the game will be over for yet another houseguest, making the headcount go from the Final 7 houseguests to the Final 5. To recap what has gone down in Week 11 so far, Kaycee Clark won the title of Head of Household after beating Brett Robinson in the “Shell or Highwaters” Head of Household Competition by one second. Kaycee chose to nominate Haleigh Broucher and Sam Bledsoe for eviction. With Haleigh, Sam, and all of Level Six set to play in the Veto Competition, it was do-or-die for Haleigh, but she was ultimately unsuccessful in winning the Power of Veto. Kaycee Clark continued her winning streak by pulling out another Veto win, making it her third veto win three weeks in a row. At the Veto Ceremony, Kaycee left her nominations intact, making Sam Bledsoe and Haleigh Broucher as the final nominees for the week. Will Sam or Haleigh be evicted from the Big Brother house? And who will rise to power in the Double Eviction? Who will they target? And who will be evicted in the Double Eviction?
Post-Veto Ceremony
Level Six meets in the HOH room to discuss the plan for a possible Double Eviction this week. Kaycee says they need to put up Sam and JC. Angela offers to be a pawn if either Sam or JC should happen to win the Lower of Veto. Brett thinks that this could be his chance to take a shot at Angela and so he talks to Tyler about this. Tyler doesn’t like this, saying that while he has Final 2 deals with Kaycee and Brett and Odin a showmance with Angela, Brett is at the bottom of his totem pole. Tyler informs Kaycee about what Brett said. Kaycee says they may need to take Brett out in the Double Eviction.
Week 11 Live Eviction
The live voting goes as follows. As always, neither nominee is allowed to vote. As the Head of Household, Kaycee is only eligible to vote in the event of a tie. One at a time, the other houseguests will go to the Diary Room and cast their votes to evict between nominees Sam Bledsoe and Haleigh Broucher. Whoever receives the most votes will be evicted from the Big Brother house.
Tyler Crispen has voted to Haleigh Broucher
JC Mounduix has voted to evict Haleigh Broucher
Brett Robinson has voted to evict Haleigh Broucher
Angela Rummans has voted to evict Haleigh Broucher
By a vote of 4-0, Haleigh Broucher has been evicted from the Big Brother house, placing seventh and becoming the fifth member of the jury who will vote on the winner of the game come finale night.
Day 86 Head of Household- “Buffering”
Following Haleigh’s eviction, the remaining houseguests, except for Kaycee as the outgoing Head of Household, compete in the next Head of Household Competition. Free from eviction, the Head of Household is automatically for the night, but they must nominate two houseguests for eviction.
The houseguests are tasked with remembering video clips they were previously shown and answering questions based on them, having to choose between either answer “a” or “b”.
Question 1: Sam and Tyler each get a point.
Question 2: JC gets a point.
Question 3: Tyler and Brett each get a point. Tyler has the lead with 2 points now.
Question 4: JC, Sam, Tyler, and Brett get a point. Tyler has 3 points, JC, Brett, and Sam each have 2 points.
Question 5: Sam, Tyler, Angela, and Brett each get a point. Tyler still has the lead. Brett and Sam are right behind him.
Question 6: Everyone gets a point. Tyler has the lead by one point.
Question 7: Tyler, Sam, and Angela each get a point. Tyler wins HOH for the third time this summer!
After winning, Tyler talks to Brett about throwing the Power of Veto Competition… oh boy Tyler.
Nominations Ceremony
Tyler Crispen has chosen to nominate Sam Bledsoe and JC Mounduix for eviction.
Power of Veto Competition- “Block and Roll”
As always, the Power of Veto Competition will be played tonight. Since the headcount is now down to six houseguests, everyone will be participating in the Veto Competition.
In this competition, the houseguests are tasked with strategically placing their colored blocks on their platforms in order to navigate their ball down the platform to their targets at the end. If it fails to get there, then they must start over again. Angela Rummans manages to pull out the win, making this her second Power of Veto win so far!
Veto Ceremony
Angela Rummans has decided to use the Power of Veto on JC Mounduix, removing him from the chopping block. Angela comments that “this is what I call being one step ahead”. Tyler now has to name a replacement nominee. He states that “this is what i call being two steps ahead” and after that, he chooses to nominate Brett Robinson in JC’s place. In moments, the houseguests will have to vote between Brett or Sam to be evicted. Following the Veto Ceremony, the live vote to evict will begin.
Day 86 Live Eviction
The live voting went as follows: as always, neither nominee is allowed to vote and neither is the Head of Household, who is only eligible to vote in the event of a tie. One at a time, the houseguests will go to the Diary Room and cast their votes to evict between nominees Sam Bledsoe and Brett Robinson. Whoever receives the most votes will be evicted from the Big Brother house.
JC Mounduix has voted to evict Brett Robinson.
Kaycee Clark has voted to evict Brett Robinson.
Angela Rummans has voted to evict Brett Robinson
By a vote of 3-0, Brett Robinson has been evicted from the Big Brother house, placing sixth and becoming the sixth member of the jury who will vote on the winner of the game come finale night. Brett says that he is upset but he does respect the gameplay… although he says he could vote emotionally come finale night.