Planet “X”: What You Need to Know

Planet "X": What You Need to Know

Nathan Currier, Staff Writer

With the recent possibility of a planet on the path to discovery, I’ve taken the liberty to have a little discussion about it. Even though I might be pretty late to the party, I’ve decided it’d be better late than never. Before I actually get into the enjoyable part, we should lay a foundation first for those who don’t know.


Since January 20th, scientists and astronomers have theorized about a possible “Neptune sized” planet that lurks beyond Pluto. These theories have always been around since the 1980’s, but didn’t gain any substantial ground until 2013, and then was finally brought into light this year by Mike Brown, and Konstantin Batygin (don’t even try to pronounce it). Currently, NASA and other space services are looking into this extraordinary discovery.


Now, for the even further layer on the cake is how it orbits our Sun…

I’m about to grossly oversimplify everything, but it’s orbital pattern is in an extremely oblong pattern. With an incredibly weak gravitational force acting upon it takes an orbit that is distant from Pluto but close enough to be trapped in an orbit.


We have actually more planets than you realize, but they’re considered “Rogue” planets that wander between solar systems when they get loose enough from a strong force of gravity, and are slingshotted back into space. Taking into consideration the size of the planet, as well as its potential orbit. We could be well seeing a 10th planet… I mean 9 (RIP Pluto).


As many astronomers are looking at how crazily elliptical it is, it could be possible that there’s a distant star that’s pulling on it. Having it be locked between two solar systems, with a 15,000 year orbital period. Possibly, we could be sharing this planet with another nearby star. Potentially.


Now, here is which the problem lies. There are these “scholars” that study the bible and other religious material. And it’s been apparently foretold in a “prophecy” that this newly discovered planet is the thing from an ancient tale known as “Nibiru.” Apparently, this belief foretold the idea that a planet will crash into Earth. And there’s still many conspiracy theories and skeptics out there that hold out this idea.


I was just as confused or scoffing as you are, but hear me out. Yet again, I’ll be gliding over important details. But from my findings, people that believe in this prophecy think that “Nibiru” was home to an ancient alien race called the “Anunnaki.” They were apparently an alien people who descended upon Earth, and were the reason why humans are here. Apparently they wanted to mine resources and then go back onto their craft to their home.


If you’re either


A: Laughing or smirking

B: Contemplating suicide over how people believe this

C: Want to leave this article


I wouldn’t blame you whatsoever. People took ancient Sumerian religion and then applied their pseudoscience to prophesize the end of the world. So the person that created this theory, Nancy Lieder. Decided to create this following/religion that prophesied about this. I’ve even seen claims to them being a cult.


So listen to this, these people decided to bring their animals to a lake and decided to drown them because of the impending collision between Earth and Nibiru back in 2003. It’s just sickening and disturbing to listen to, and no one has done anything about it.


As for her reason, the Annunaki had apparently “implanted” a device into her brain that allows her to communicate with them, and they feed her information of what to do. And the icing on the cake, is that she thinks that Nibiru is sitting behind the sun, and has stopped Earth’s gravitational orbit, and we’re slowly being pulled toward one another. When she was asked how we were able to see the constellations and have proof that the Earth is in fact still moving, she simply waved it off with “The Earth is wobbling on its axis.”


That’s not even your normal crazy, that’s diagnosably schizophrenic in behavior. The sad part is, that she had people willing and able to follow her no matter what she says.


For that to even be possible, currently our version of “Planet X” would have to stop mid orbit around the sun, decide to stick its middle fingers up to gravity and shoot in a straight line towards Earth, causing a cataclysmic impact of epic proportions.


I know I’m bouncing to different things in my point, but the people that join these kind of cults always have similarities in common…


  1. They are susceptible to influence
  2. Had a troubled past
  3. Poor or lower class
  4. Looking for a purpose
  5. Poorly educated


So when scientists come out with this amazing new discovery about a new planet, if you search up “Planet X” some of the results will be about the Nibiru apocalypse, and some people will fall into the trap. It just keeps feeding the cycle over-and-over.
If you take anything away from this, please know this… take a rational approach to anything that you do. And don’t join a cult and sacrifice Fido to E.T.