Does Music Help Students Focus on Homework?

Deborah Brown, Staff Writer

Many students listen to music when they are doing homework. Other students find it distracting to listen to music while they do homework. I personally can’t focus on my homework without listening to music. I asked some Weedsport students if they listen to music while they do homework, what type they tend to listen to while doing the homework, if it helps them focus more on what they are working on, why it helps keep their focus on the assignment, and if they would recommend listening to music to students who struggle with homework.

I first asked Kaitlyn Jewell whether or not if she listened to music while she did homework. She told me that “she always listens to music when doing her homework.” She tells me that when she listen to music while doing homework she normally listens to “today’s hits, country, and rap.” I asked Kaitlyn if listening to music while doing homework helps her focus on her homework better and to explain why it does. She told me that “it helps put me in a happy place. Hearing the music helps me relax when I’m working on an assignment.” The music helps her understand the assignment better. The last and final question that I asked Kaitlyn was if she would recommend listening to music while doing homework to students who struggle with homework and don’t think to listen to music to help with focusing on their assignments. Kaitlyn strongly recommends students to listen to music while doing homework because she says that it will help relieve stress and usually the music helps put a teenager in a better state of mind while they are working on homework assignments.

The next student I interviewed was Kevin Crossman. The first question I asked him was If he listened to music while doing homework and what type he listened to. He told me that he constantly listens to music while doing homework assignments. He told me that he mostly listens to alternative music when he does homework. The next question I asked was, does it help you to focus on your homework assignments when you listen to music and why? Kevin told me that it helps him focus a lot because he is able to block out all the noises around him and that it helps to think better on what he is working on. The final question that I asked Kevin was, would you recommend listening to music while doing homework to students who struggle with homework and don’t think to listen to music to help with focusing on their assignments? He told that he would because listening to music while doing homework has helped him get better grades on the homework which then has made his grade in his classes go up as well.

Another person that I asked was Ariel White. I asked her if she listened to music while she did her homework. She told me that she will listen to music when she has a lot of homework to do. A second question I asked Ariel was, if yes then what types of music do you normally listen to when you do? Ariel said that the type of music she listens to all really depends on the type of mood she’s in. I asked her if listening to music while doing homework helps her focus more, and why. Ariel told me, “that often depends on the music I pick. If it’s something I know well then I don’t always focus on homework.” The final question I asked Ariel was, o the students who don’t listen to music while doing homework,would you recommend them to listen to music? She told me if you were to listen to music, don’t let it be a type of music that would ruin your focus. However do what you believe it best to get your work done.

Is music good when students do homework? It all depends on the type of person you are. If the music will help with your focus on the homework assignment, then listen to music when you do your homework. But if the music doesn’t help you with your focus on the homework assignment, then it is better to not listen to music when working on your homework. If you don’t know if it will help with your focus, try doing your homework while there is music playing and see how your focus is, and also try it without the music playing and see how your focus is while doing that as well.