Why Are iPhones so Expensive?
November 27, 2018
In this week’s comic, Forrest takes a look at the rising prices of the iPhone. The consumer price of the phone is no longer even close to production costs, so what’s up with that?
Editor’s Note: Forrest wanted people to become more educated on this topic, so he provided the links for the information in the comic below:
Nickle and Diming Article- https://www.businessinsider.com/hundreds-of-people-are-complaining-on-reddit-about-apple-nickel-and-diming-them-2018-11
iPhone production cost article- https://nypost.com/2018/09/26/making-the-1249-iphone-xs-only-costs-apple-443/
Research and Development costs of Apple article- https://www.statista.com/statistics/273006/apple-expenses-for-research-and-development/