Weird Laws

Weird Laws

All over the world the various governments have created weird laws that don’t seem to make any sense, and you may find extremely odd. Even here in the United States we have some interesting rules.


In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice cream cones in your pocket.


In Iowa, it is against the law for horses to eat the fire hydrants. I can only imagine what must have occurred for this law to be put into effect.


In the city of San Francisco, it is unlawful for any pile of horse manure to be piled up more than six feet on any street corner, at any time. This kind of law was probably put into effect in the late 1800s- early 1900s when horse carriages were a common sight on the streets and well, the feces had to go somewhere for people to clean it up later.


In Portugal, it is illegal to to pee in the ocean. This law makes sense, but the question is, how would one enforce such a law, as most of the nation is coastline?


In France, it is illegal to name one’s pig “Napoleon”. This is most likely because of infamous French dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte.


This next one might be  pretty terrifying to some of you high schoolers. Believe it or not, in Singapore, all chewing gum is illegal.


In Thailand it is illegal to leave one’s house without wearing underpants.


In England it is illegal to die in the House of Parliament. I mean, what are they going to do, sentence you to death?


In Samoa it is illegal to forget your wife’s birthday.

In Australia it is illegal to name any animal you plan to eat. I guess that last one makes sense. I wouldn’t want an emotional attachment to anything I’ll be having with a side of fries later.