Jack of All Trades
Weedsport’s Forrest Nguyen Excels on Stage, in the Classroom, and in Athletics

Everyone knows the feeling of when your favorite song or favorite singer plays. Music can bring emotions unlike anything else. When you think of Weedsport music activities, who comes to mind in every area? Forrest Nguyen.
If you had to pick a word to describe him, it might be versatile. He’s a talented visual artist, student, athlete, and musician. Even in a broad category like music, he shows great range. He sings, acts in musicals, plays the trumpet, piano, and even the harmonica. In a way, music has shaped his whole high school career.
There are many things that have made Nguyen such an amazing musician, but his chorus teacher, Rachel Kerr thinks that it’s Nguyen’s talent in so many instruments, his passion, and the hard work that got him to where he is today. Kerr spoke about some of Nguyen’s greatest performances, and stated, “he’s had a lot.”
Out of all of his performances, Kerr thinks his finest was a recent All-State solo, and performance for the Syracuse High School Music Awards. Nguyen’s solo was one he chose to challenge him with by picking a song entirely in German. He was determined and spent lots of time perfecting it. He received a well-deserved score of 98 out of 100. His performance for the Syracuse High School Music Awards was from the musical Les Mis and he took the role of Monsieur Thénardier for the song, “Master of the House”.
Think about the movie Jaws. When you think of it, the first thing to come to mind will most likely be the music. Everyone knows that da-da-da-da theme. Themes like this can make a large impact on a person. Nguyen said, “I was playing a very long game, I think I put over a hundred hours into the game, and then I finished it, and then the credits theme played and I don’t know what came over me, but the credits theme evoked some emotion deep in me and I got a little overwhelmed. I don’t know what it was, I just couldn’t help it.” This was Nguyen’s best experience with music.
Music presents people with great opportunities to bond with people through programs like Area All-State. Area All-State is difficult to be accepted into, and an honor, but when Nguyen participated in it he was left disappointed. He claimed that the practices were boring and he had no one he felt comfortable talking to. “I enjoyed the experience as a musician”, Nguyen said, “Not so much as like just going there and being a person”.
Nguyen may have struggled to connect with other musicians in this experience, but at his own school, people enjoy working with him. Kerr said he brings, “A very nice personality to the table.” Kerr described him as hardworking, kind, and passionate. “I enjoy working with Forrest because he is not only very hardworking and dedicated, but he’s also just very kind and upbeat, positive, funny. . . It’s a really fun combo to work with.”
Nguyen has decided not to pursue music as a career, but he plans on continuing with musical activities. At the college Nguyen plans to attend, there is a great marching band and a great orchestra. Nguyen will always listen to music, and he shared, “I hope that I am able to play trumpet at least, for the rest of my life.”

Keegan Montreal is a senior at Weedsport. She loves to film and edit videos. She also likes to interview people and write articles. Keegan is planning...