On The Fringe: A Mac’s Thoughts on the Creation of the Universe


 There have been many theories on how our universe came to be. It is still being discussed to this day. No one is sure what put everything in motion, including time and space. This series will include some of the thoughts and ideas I have come up with as to how the universe started.

The first idea involves black holes. My thought is that since black holes are a point of infinite mass, they could be holes into new universes. Our Big Bang started at a single point, everything we know today came from there. Like the Big Bang, black holes also focus into a singular point, called the singularity, respectively. This could mean that on the other side, there is nothing, just like how there was before our Big Bang. This could explain why there is such a strong pull into the black hole. Also, it could explain why time practically stops when you are very close to the black hole. Time hasn’t become a thing yet in the new universe that the black hole created or will create. Each black hole could potentially be a new universe. The creation process could just be like one massive recycling plant. Current universes have black holes that take in any kind of energy, be it light, heat, or solid matter. It is focused down to a singular point of infinite mass, and then ejected out the other side into the emptiness, like the big bang, thus creating a new universe.

Another thought is that we are one reality of many. There are infinite possibilities on the outcome of every situation. Our universe is just one of the infinite amount of universes, where things happen which could be opposites of what happens in other universes. Some examples could be something simple as the results of a coin flip being different or as major as America fighting for its independence against Spain instead of Britain, or Soviets landing on the moon first.

The third and final idea (and the wackiest) is that we are just a thought. By that, I mean that we are just a dream or thought of a higher being and we are able to change the dream and influence what happens in it. We may be actual beings, or just a thought. The concept is like the math equation of 1+-1=0. We could be real, or not. Either way we don’t know.