WHS Names Valedictorian and Salutatorian

This year has been a tough year for everyone. Students in all grade levels were impacted by Covid-19 and had to adjust to virtual learning and hybrid learning. This year’s school year started very different and for seniors that meant missing out on senior year experiences. The community and school have tried their best to make this year a memorable year regardless.
This year’s senior class, Class of 2021 Valedictorian is Tyler Hill and the Salutation is Erin Grady. Tyler and Erin have worked hard through their high school career despite the recent obstacles of Covid-19.
Hill is the class president. He has participated in the math team, Envirothon Team, National Honor Society, and plays the drums in the jazz band. Tyler plans to attend Liberty University in the fall. His major is undecided but he plans to study engineering or computers.
Grady is the class vice-president. She participated in the National Honor Society, Odyssey of the Mind, and math team. She is a well-rounded athlete and has played basketball, field hockey, bowling, volleyball, and golf. She plans to attend Canisius in the fall and study animal behavior and go on to earn a PhD in zoology or veterinary medicine.
The Johnny Green Interviewed Hill and Grady, to ask what helped them achieve such a great accomplishment:
Q: What advice would you give to students that are working to be Valedictorian or Salutatorian?
Hill: I would say to them that they need to work hard and spend time studying.
Grady: Don’t stress yourself out about it, just put effort into every assignment and do your best on it. Don’t waste time comparing yourself to others, it never helps.
Q: What helped you achieve such great success?
Hill: My parents have helped me achieve my goals by always supporting me and instilling a good work ethic in me.
Grady: A lot of tears, late nights spent studying, hard work, and determination.
Q: What is one thing that you would change about Weedsport?
Hill: I would make school every day instead of every other day. I feel that I, as well as the other students, have missed out on the high school experience.
Grady: I would add classes that are more specific to career choices so that kids can have a better understanding of what they want to do in the future.
Q: Do you have a role model that you look up to?
Hill: I look up to Jesus Christ for his character and the way he cared for others.
Grady: My parents, both of them have always taught me to go after what I want and have pushed me to do my best in everything I pursue.
Q: What will you miss most about Weedsport?
Hill: I will miss seeing the people that I have known for years as well as the friends I have made.
Grady: All of the relationships and friendships I’ve been able to make over the years. This place and all of my friends have really allowed me to grow as a person and have pushed me to do better.
Q: Which year in high school was your favorite and why?
Hill: My favorite year was Junior year because we were able to enjoy a normal first half.
Grady: Probably sophomore year because it wasn’t my first year of high school so I wasn’t nervous about the workload and it was more laid back than junior and senior year.
Q: Do you feel that Weedsport has prepared you for college and the real world?
Hill: I would say that Weedsport has prepared me for college because they have made college courses available to me. My time at Weedsport has also shown me how the real world works.
Grady: Yes, it has given me the opportunity to experience many different things that I know will help me in the future.
Q: How do you feel about moving and going to college?
Hill: I look forward to going away to college next fall, but at the same time I feel a little sad to leave everything behind. I have made several good friends at Weedsport and I have gotten to know many good people in the area.
Grady: I’m excited for the new experience and all the opportunities it will bring me, but have to admit I’m sad I’ll have to leave this place that has been a part of my life for so long.
Q: Do you have a favorite quote or song that inspires you?
Hill: “Sometimes by losing a battle, you find a new way to win the war.”
-Donald J. Trump
Grady: A song that has always inspired me is Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys. I just love the song and it has always motivated me to put myself out there, be strong, and show the world what I’m made of.