Our World is Changing


 Look around you. Our world is changing rapidly. The evolution of technology has rapidly moved along, but what about the evolution of space travel? To the average teenager, space travel doesn’t matter. But it should.

A Dutch company has begun to make plans to give four people a one way ticket to mars by 2025. This could be the very beginning of a long journey to the stars. Soon we may very well be able to live on mars.

Even now our world is improving rapidly through technology, medicine, and even food. What will the world be like when we grow up? What will the world be like when our children grow up? Do you ever think that one day our technology, our astrology, our biology will go too far? I do.

But is this something that will change things for the better?  Will it make humans stop our astrological expansion or give up on it? People who believe, like me, can only hope. 2025 isn’t as far away as you’d think. Thats only 11 years.

Most of today’s teens will be in their late 20’s or early 30’s. They’d be just beginning their experience as adults. How old will they be when it’s possible for everyone to live on mars, the moon, or whatever other planet that is made possible to live on? Only time will tell.