A Call for a New Holiday: Fandom Day!

Ariel White, Staff Writer

Vocab of the day:



[fan-duh m]


  1. the state or condition of being a fan of someone or something.

  2. “my 17 years of sports fandom”

    • the fans of a particular person, team, fictional series, etc., regarded collectively as a community or subculture.

    • “the Breaking Bad fandom”

How much do you enjoy Halloween? Free candy and seeing one another in silly outfits? Who wouldn’t?! And what if you were to learn that there could be Halloween, but again?  Or in this case, before. In my idea of such a day, I declare it shall be now known as Fandom (aka, the word above)-Day, the day before Halloween.

You know those times when you wish to show your “Inner Fangirl” but felt too embarrassed to do so? Well then this day was made for you. All you Whovans, Otakus, Directioners, SuperWhoLockers, and just plain old fans can show your pride.

As the others show their pride, I have had the liberty of interviewing others to ask their opinion on the matter; Should there be a Fandom-Day?  

“Oh, but one Halloween is perfect!” states Ms. Mullen when I asked her. Both Mr. Seward and Mrs. Parrow agree that, “If they moved the date it seems like fun.” Mrs. Brown adds, “The kid in me says yes!”

I then chose to ask fellow students the same question, in which Kayle Kunkle says, “Yes, because then we get more candy!”  Another student argues, “There is no point in the original, why add another Halloween?”

In such a day filled with wondrous ideas of showing how much you love your fandom, there has to be a goal, correct? Like, Christmas you get gifts and family, Halloween you get free candy, or on Columbus Day we have no school! The goal, though as cheesy as it sounds, is to simply show off your love for your fandom!

So grab your wands, strap on your backpacks, put on your horns, and volunteer to join this new Holiday!