Enchanted Beaver Lake is a Spooky Good Time


Kalista Hamilton

Freshmen Julianna Buchman and Kalista Hamilton get a photo taken at Enchanted Beaver Lake.

Kalista Hamilton, Staff Writer

The weekend before Halloween each year, the Beaver Lake Nature Center’s trails, just off Rt. 370 outside of Baldwinsville, are alight with Jack O’lanterns.

Eighteen years ago, Beaver Lake Nature center began lining trails with hand carved pumpkins. At first it was done for member appreciation, then due to its popularity, they opened it up to the public. For the past 11 years, families have been enjoying its beauty. They currently have 12,000 people attending their event each year. In the last few years, they have started selling out long before the event starts.

Five-hundred pumpkins are purchased by the center and each is hand carved by nearly one hundred volunteer carvers. An extra 20 were added this year by local Girl Scouts. There were also 36 entries for the best carved pumpkin contest. This gave this year’s trails a grand total of 556 beautifully lit pumpkins to lead you through the dark autumn paths. To get all of these epic pumpkins lit, it takes twenty-five people and thirty minutes. On windy and rainy nights they have people roam all night to relight the pumpkins.

Does this place sound cool yet? Well, there’s more! Awaiting, before you enter, there is the option to get your picture taken with their huge beaver mascot. Inside the building you can get professional pictures taken in front of a gorgeous fall themed back ground; this year they even had a live owl in the scene. Each night, they featured different things such as a Birds Of Prey demonstration with live birds, and an informative insect talk. Out in the gazebo, they even have a magician who wows everyone with his tricks. And of course, there is a huge white tent which houses the food, t-shirt leaf printing, and a place to rest!

The first time I went to the Enchanted Pumpkin Walk, I was eight years old. I thought it was so magical and unique. My family loved it so much that we have made it a tradition to go every year. We all love seeing the lovely pumpkins and drinking some cider.

I was happy to learn so much about this event while talking to the director of Beaver Lake, Heidi Kortight. She added that she loves seeing all of the children come in with their cute costumes, and the trails are her favorite thing about Beaver Lake Nature Center, and I can’t say that I disagree. I look forward to this night every year. I hope that you will consider adding it to your family’s Halloween tradition.

Parking passes are just $5 a car (Be sure to order early)
Entrance is $3 per person