Video Game Buying Guide for the Holiday Season


Chris Stricklin, Staff Writer

Editor’s Note: The Johnny Green’s Video Game Guru, Chris Stricklin, returns with some games to look forward to as we head into the holiday (gift-giving) season.

Well hello there, miss me?

Since, it’s been awhile, so I thought I should make a most anticipated games list that I will most definitely be reviewing when they come out. So just be patient and I will get to them. Now keep in mind this is just my opinion. A lovely thing about games is that someone can love one that was absolutely horrid in other’s eyes. So keep them open for options on a purchase, because I will most definitely be picking these games up, but of course, you don’t have to. Now I’m gonna go in order from my favorite to my least favorite. Why? Because I know you don’t wanna read through 4 games that are more of a “meh”, at least for me. Also every game is a triple A title. Meaning it will be $60.00 on release no matter what.


  • Kingdom Hearts 3


NOSTALGIA BIAS WARNING, TURN BACK NOW!! Yes, my friends, it’s this beautiful product forged by the gods themselves. Now for a good chunk of you, you probably don’t know what this. Plus it’s only a rumor that it’s coming out in 2017, but I’m keeping my hopes up. This franchise was my favorite as a child. So yeah, just a tad biased. Now remember when I said that you didn’t have to like these games? Well I lied. You are to like this game no matter what you say. And if you don’t? I’m gonna quote a good friend of mine, who is also a writer for the Johnny Green, and will remain anonymous. “Ding dong, your opinion is wrong.” It looks amazing, the concept is incredible, seriously how can you not like Disney stuff mixed in with classical games? Just beautiful. I have no other comment. Just beautiful.

  1. For Honor

This game is so high on the list for a certain reason. REALISM YOU FOOLS!! It is considered one of the most realistic medieval warfare games to ever hit shelves. I haven’t played it personally to get a feel for it, but I am extremely excited to do so because it would just be interesting to see exactly what makes it different from every other “extreme realism” in games that have been, let’s face it, lackluster. But this one in particular seems very intriguing, even just the concept of Knight Vs Samurai Vs Viking is rather intoxicating to think about.

  1. Nioh

Right, so don’t be mad at me. Remember how much of a fan boy I was for Dark Souls? Yeah this is a knockoff. Sorry. But in all seriousness, yes it is a knockoff, but it is, I guess harder than Dark Souls, which I find hard to believe because my first run I had died almost 250 times (don’t judge me, you try it). Dark Souls is again one of my favorite game series’ to date so can you really blame me?

  1. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret about me. I’m a little girl. I hate scary things. Can’t stand them. But, for some outstanding reason I have put up with Resident Evil. Ever since Resident Evil 4, that I played when I was like 8 and found to be one of the most terrifying things in the world. I have stuck to it. Why? I don’t know. I normally hate being scared, but Resident Evil does a great job at making it enjoyable. For some reason…

  1. Horizon Zero Dawn

In the spirit of totally honesty, I don’t know the first thing about this game. It’s such a mystery that I should probably put more research into before writing this, but I find it fun not to know. Please enjoy for a few moments my rambling about things I don’t know about. So, from what I have gathered from trailers, you live in a post apocalyptic society where technology has taken over, in a dinosaur type fashion. Buuuut we are cavemen to them, but we have better technology than we do in 2016…. Convoluted right? Yes very much so, but me being a tech nerd I was pretty much instantly drawn in. But I think the unknown brings an amusing freshness that makes me almost want to buy it even more.

Anyways, that was my list. I hope you enjoyed. Tell me if you agreed with my list or any changes you would make to it. Other than that, I have nothing else to say to you other than thank you for taking the time to read, have a good day, and welcome to the Weedsport 2016-17 School year!!!