Take a Load Off: Ways Weedsport Students Relax

Relaxation is a very important part in life and I believe that everyone should relax at some point everyday. To prove my theory I asked Mrs. Matson, Mr. Seward and some other Weedsport students why they think relaxation is important and what their favorite way to relax is…….

Emily Harding’s  favorite way to relax is listening to music. “I believe relaxing is important because it frees the mind and let’s you escape the world and your stresses in life.”

Mrs.Matson enjoys  reading when she’s stressed. “I believe relaxation is important because our bodies need to rest and become rejuvenated to function.”

Mckayla Murray eats food when she needs to relax. “Eat food; be happy”

Meghan Cherry likes to jam out on music. “I believe relaxation is important because without it I would be extremely wound up”

When Mr. Seward is stressed, he exercises and does Karate. . “I believe relaxation is important because it sets the tone for many aspects of life and it promotes your physical and mental health”

Everyone needs to relax once in a while. Not only is it nice to take some time for yourself, it’s very important to your mental and physical health. It’s especially important for students who are constantly consumed with school work and sports. Don’t just take my word for it, start relaxing already!