Vainglory: The 2.2 Update is Out

Vainglory: The 2.2 Update is Out

Eric Lin, Staff Writer

Editor’s Note: If you missed the original Vainglory article from Eric, you can check it out here. If you missed the 2.1 Update, you can read that here.

Having fun lately while playing Vainglory? Well then, it’ll get more exciting when this update is released. With the winter season coming to an end and the upcoming of the spring season, many changes will come within this update, bringing a new dynamic to the game.

Let’s begin on the introduction of the new hero, Grumpjaw. Grumpjaw is a durable fighter, able to last in battles while maintaining stacks of his Living Armor through basic attacks. Grumpjaw can charge headlong into a fight, heavily damaging and slowing enemies at the end of his charge. Once he breaks through enemy lines, Grumpjaw can easily turn the tides of battle by devouring one of his enemies and briefly removing them from the fight. He is the 3rd beast to be introduce in the game while other heroes are humanoid. While there will be more heroes to come, Grumpjaw will bring exciting game-play to Vainglory.

There are few changes to some of the hero’s ability which to prevent some heroes from overpowering the others. New skins were introduced to the game, which brings a new style to the game. The skins are are called “school” skins because of how the heroes were dressing up for school.

Many more update will be coming in 2017, which include the sneak peek of 5 v. 5 mode! That’s right, the game-play itself is always has been a 3 v. 3 mode, but with the introduction of 5 v. 5 mode, it will completely change the game-play of vainglory. We’ll be following all of the updates as they come out!